2022 PUC Pathfinder Camporee
The year 1929, the term Pathfinder was first used in southern California at a camp in Idyllwild. The yearly act of camping in the mountain became later to be known as Camporee. Little did they know Camporee would become a worldwide tradition to all Pathfinders. Pathfinders gets its scouting roots from Mission Volunteers, however it's notoriety in camping originated right here in southern California.
30 miles away as the crow flies on October 5-9 of 2022 the Hemet SDA Pathfinder club attended the Pacific Union Pathfinder Camporee at Lake Skinner. While there is a South Eastern California Conference Camporee every year, the Pacific Union Conference only holds a camporee every 5 years. This special Camporee coincidentally returned home. Members from 5 states flew, drove and trekked in for the event.
Special events, honors, sports and excursions were done. Our group were able to participate in honors such as: Chocolate, Bubbles, Sharks, Music, Glass Painting, and many more. There was zip lining, rock climbing, soccer, BMX and a water park.
Each night everyone gathered together for music and speaker. Many of our members had never been camping. A few had never been away from their family aside from school. However, they learned skills that they can keep forever.
Our camp was filled with wasps. 7 of our members were stung. We did built traps to fix our problem. Luckily no one who was stung was allergic.
There was an occasional bump or bruise. An occasional act of anxiety, but for the most part the event went smoothly. To crown off the event one of our own was also baptized. Our Pastor James Uyeda was visiting at the time they were having a mass baptism. That lined up perfectly when our young baptismal candidate expressed her desire to be baptized.
In todays society we continuously have the urge to look at our phone, look at the latest news, and always looking at a screen deciphering data as we see fit. We are much more fast paced continually gathering "information." Camporee breaks that mold. You get dirty. You get learn something you would never think you would. You might eat something different than from home. You sing songs. You might loose sleep. You gain friends. You become a part of a bigger family. You just might be saved.
Below is a Photo Gallery of the Event.